Rights of Clients
- You have the right to respectful treatment.
- You have the right to have your individual information/records kept confidential according to NH RSA 173-C. You may ask Turning Points Network staff about your rights under NH RSA 173-C.
- You have the right to access your individual records.
- You have the right to make your own decisions, within the rules and policies of Turning Points Network.
- You have the right to know and understand all of the rules of Turning Points Network by which you must abide.
- You have the right to give suggestions and input concerning Turning Points Network’s programs and services, to have your input heard and receive feedback on it.

Non-Discrimination Policy
Turning Points Network strives to provide services regardless of gender, age, health status, including HIV-positive, physical, mental or emotional ability, orientation, gender identity/expression, socio-economic status, race, national origin, immigration status, or religious or political affiliation.

Client Grievance Policy
You have the right to make a complaint about Turning Points Network’s programs and services. The first step is to take the complaint to the program staff. If no resolution is reached, you have the right to address your complaint through the grievance procedure of Turning Points Network.