Make a Difference
Answer the crisis line from your home, help in the office, become a court advocate, assist survivors with childcare while they are working with advocates.
Our volunteers do everything from providing direct support to survivors to assisting at schools, helping at our shelter, registering participants at our annual Steppin’ Up to End Violence 5K Walk/Fun Run, working at the office, or working at our store, Changes in downtown Claremont.

Why do I volunteer for Turning Points Network? It is a chance to Repay/Pay It Forward for the times when I needed help and someone was there who made me feel like a whole person again, a person who had plenty of worth.
I enjoy teaching people something they haven’t encountered before: the summer that I taught three of the shelter guests how to quilt was special to me.
Become a Volunteer
Those interested in volunteering for direct services/crisis line work with TPN must first complete a series of online trainings to learn about the issues specific to the advocacy work done here at TPN. Sessions are mainly completed online on your own schedule and are very flexible. Supplemental trainings specific to our agency are held onsite in Claremont or Newport.
Those interested in volunteering at Changes Boutique and Thrift Store will undergo specific training with the store manager.
If you have time to help TPN in our work, please contact us via email or call 603-543-0155 for more information. Please download our Statement of Purpose (PDF); our Volunteer Services Description (PDF); and our Volunteer Application (Word) files. You can fill out the application and email it to volunteer@turningpointsnetwork.org, or mail to TPN at 231 Broad Street, Claremont, NH 03743.
Volunteers who successfully complete training will then work with TPN to develop a schedule that fits with interests and personal schedule.