Thank you for considering a planned gift to TPN
Every day we strive to make the future brighter for women, children and men escaping domestic and sexual violence, stalking and sex trafficking through our life-changing direct services and comprehensive, school-based prevention education programs. You can help ensure that this mission remains an integral part of Turning Points Network’s future through legacy and planned giving.
TYpes of Planned GiftsIt may be easier than you think
Planned gifts can be funded with cash, stock, real estate or other tangible personal property. Making Turning Points Network a part of your estate plan can be as simple as including a charitable bequest in your will or living trust or making a beneficiary designation. Our staff is prepared to help you identify the planned giving options best suited to your personal situation.

You will probably never meet the many people you will help, but they will never forget that you provided something they needed at a time they needed it most.

The Society honors longstanding benefactor Deborah L. Coffin and dedicated Executive Director Deborah J. Mozden.
By making a planned gift to Turning Points Network today, you help guarantee that 10, 20 — even 50 years from now — survivors in Sullivan County will have access to safe shelter, long-term housing and supportive services that help them overcome abuse and poverty. Help safeguard the future of TPN’s response to domestic violence and sexual assault in our community by making a planned gift.
To discuss options and learn more about how you can leave a legacy, please contact our Susan Warner, Development Director at (603) 543-0155 or susan@turningpointsnetwork.org.

Making A Planned Gift
How It Works
- Include a gift to Turning Points Network in your will or trust.
- Make your bequest unrestricted or direct it to a specific purpose.
- Indicate a specific amount or a percentage of the balance remaining in your estate or trust.
- Tell us about your gift so we may celebrate your generosity now.
Connect with Us
Thank you for considering including Turning Points Network in your estate plans.
For information about Turning Points Network and any of its giving programs, please contact:
Development Director at 603-543-0155
or email Susan@turningpointsnetwork.org
Donations to Turning Points Network are tax-deductible as allowed by law. Because each individual situation is unique, we encourage all donors to consult with their financial advisor or attorney.