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How We Are Responding to Concerns About COVID-19 in Planning Steppin’ Up 2022

We know that some in our community are ready to Step Up on April 30th, no matter what! –sunshine, rain, snow, a pandemic. We will be there waiting for you.

We also know that some in our community are waiting to see what impact COVID has on our community closer to the 30th. We understand your concerns and we are working to address as many of them as we can.

Much in the way of final plans will be implemented a couple days before the event, as many are weather dependent. If the day is beautiful or even bearable with regard to temperature and precipitation, we will hold most activities outside, or outside as well as inside. We are adding more space for indoor sign-in and for turning in funds to help with social distancing. TPN staff and board members, food handlers, and most other volunteers will be in masks. Masks are encouraged indoors and will be available; sanitizing stations will be set up outside and inside. PortaPotties will be available to increase the number of toilets. We will attempt to limit the number of people in the hallway and gymnasium at any one time.

For those of you who may no longer feel comfortable attending, we hope you will stay involved in some way with this event. If you are fundraising, we will be happy to talk about alternate means for you to turn in your funds. If you want to send a message of hope/connection/heart, we will display your message at the Event. If you want to participate virtually, that is also a great option. You can step up anywhere. Just call us or email us and we can help you figure anything out. If you want, you can be connected to Event Day by sending in a photo of wherever you step up (send to tpnsteppinup@gmail.com) and we will do our best to get your photo up on our Facebook Event page that will livestream some of the day’s activities.

We understand how much our community invests in this Event. Sponsors have been generous. Our volunteer and staff planning committee has worked since November to make this event purposeful. Each of you planning to participate in some way on your own, with family, on a team… will partner with TPN to impact the lives of survivors in our community and to prevent violence.

Those of you who participated in previous Steppin’ Up Events helped Lydia. In Lydia’s own words, “Despite my desire to give my children the stability and safety I lacked as a child, I found myself in an abusive relationship. … There were constant threats and belittling, that over time caused me to question my self-worth. There were acts of violence… I was treated in ways that were degrading.” When Lydia realized the impact of the abuse on her children, she was determined to leave. Her therapist recommended she call TPN. “With the help TPN gave me, I was able to leave and get my children and I into our own apartment. We were able to rebuild our lives and have a chance at a normal, healthy, and happy life. … My advocate enrolled me in their financial empowerment program, which has educated me on budgeting and credit and helped me to get my own vehicle and the equipment and supplies I need to start my own cleaning business, so I can get back to providing for my family.” [TPN has] “empowered me to be the mom I’ve always wanted to be. It is now two years later… and all of my children are doing great. “The English language doesn’t have words strong enough to express my gratitude.”

Thank you for wanting to be a part of this Event and show your support for survivors and prevention. We can’t wait to see you, or hear from you.

The TPN Steppin’ Up Planning Committee

Help Create a Violence-Free Future

Our hope is that you will support victims and survivors by joining our growing list of supporters and becoming a friend of our organization.