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Here for You – Services During COVID-19

TPN is committed to providing the best services to communities across Sullivan County. We have carefully considered all advisories from the NH Department of Health & Human Services as well as the CDC and have taken significant precautions to protect the health of staff and volunteers and of survivors needing help.

In our efforts to practice social distancing, we have put in place a system of remote advocacy to ensure we are available to support you. Our crisis and support line is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, as is our emergency shelter. We are still providing personal and legal advocacy and helping with emergency housing through our shelter and hotels. If you need help, do not hesitate to call. You can still access the support of our volunteer and staff advocates and get help with critical resources.

We understand these are challenging times for everyone. If you or someone you know is experiencing abuse, please continue to reach out to us. We are available 24/7 through our crisis and support line at 800-639-3130 for emotional support, access to services and to help you achieve safety. Don’t let fear of infection put you in further danger.

For more information visit us online at www.turningpointsnetwork.org

OUR TURN is a public service series by Turning Points Network (TPN) serving all of Sullivan County with offices in Claremont and Newport. We provide wraparound supports for survivors of domestic and sexual violence, stalking and human trafficking and we present violence-prevention education programs in our schools. For more than 40 years, TPN has helped people of all ages move from the darkness of abuse toward the light of respect, healing and hope.

For information contact 1.800.639.3130 or www.turninqpointsnetwork.org or find us on Facebook.

Help Create a Violence-Free Future

Our hope is that you will support victims and survivors by joining our growing list of supporters and becoming a friend of our organization.