Our Turn: Violence is Not Inevitable: The Way We Treat Each Other Matters
The first time I was in an abusive relationship, I was 8 years old. My friend punched my arm hard enough to leave a large ...
Our Turn: Domestic Abuse and Support over the Holidays
The holidays can be a time of merriment and gathering of friends, families, and other loved ones. But it can also be a more complex ...
Our Turn: Reproduction Coercion is IPV
Intimate partner violence affects an estimated 10 million people in the United States each year. According to the Center for Disease Control, almost nine percent ...
Our Turn: That’s Not Funny
When I was growing up, my father used to say things to me such as: “You are ugly, you were adopted, I’m going to send ...
Our Turn: The Links of Mental Health, Stigma, & Victimization
For some people it may be difficult to imagine what life would be like if one were experiencing compulsive behaviors or suicidal thoughts.
Our Turn: Volunteerism in Domestic and Sexual Violence Work
Many of us may not know that April is Volunteer Awareness Month, yet those of us who work in public service are aware that volunteers ...
Our Turn: Title IX: It is More than Sports
While people may be familiar with Title IX as it prohibits gender-based discrimination in sports, many are less familiar with other anti-discrimination protective factors it ...
Our Turn: February is Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month: Skills for Lifelong Healthy Relationship
Healthy (and unhealthy) relationships don’t just start during teen years or when a young person begins dating. Healthy friendships can be an important building block ...
Our Turn: Trans people need a place for support
As a person who identifies as a transgender man, I am always thinking about my emotional and physical safety every day—whenever I leave my house, ...
Our Turn: DVAM 2021
Did you know that one person can make a difference in the life of someone experiencing domestic violence? And that person can be you. It ...