Educating Youth
We believe the only way to end violence is through education.
Turning Points Network provides comprehensive, evidence-based, age specific, violence prevention education to students in Pre-K through 12th grade.
Our school education program works with students, teachers and parents to prevent and respond to domestic and sexual violence as well as bullying, harassment and dating violence.
TPN works in more than 85% of schools across Sullivan County, educating more than 2400 students each year.

School-Based Programming
TPN provides The Healthy Relationships Project to students in grades Pre-K through 12th Grade throughout Sullivan County.
Our innovative and research-informed programs teach healthy relationship skills to students of all ages.
What is unique about our program?
- Our educators share more than 3 decades of experience in teaching students about healthy relationships.
- Our program is trauma informed; we know our topics are sensitive and we have the skills to facilitate these conversations.
- We are your local resource. Living and working in this area, we are invested in our community’s well-being.
- We will tailor programs to meet the individual needs of each school or organization.
Social-emotional learning is foundational to all of TPN’s programs. Healthy relationships are built on these keys concepts:

Research shows that SEL not only improves achievement by an average of 11 percentile points, but it also increases prosocial behaviors (such as kindness, sharing, and empathy), improves student attitudes toward school, and reduces depression and stress among students (Durlak et al., 2011).
Effective social and emotional learning programming involves coordinated classroom, schoolwide, family, and community practices that help students develop the following five key skills: self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills and responsible decision-making.
Source: https://www.edutopia.org/blog/why-sel-essential-for-students-weissberg-durlak-domitrovich-gullotta
Looking for More Information?
Interested in bringing TPN programming to your school, business or community group?
Use the form below to connect with one of our Community Educators or to get answers to all your questions. This inbox is monitored but responses may take 1-2 days.
You may also call us at 603-543-0155